Currently working on FoR authentication by following this tutorial. Most likely be using SHA1 for hashing the password to be stored/compared with the password on database. Something to note that SHA1's digest is 40 characters long.
I have significantly modified the database table design with respect to the budgeting function. Will post an update on it later.
[edit date="17-08-07"]
Have got the authentication working now. The authentication checking is done in application.rb where all controllers have access to. Controllers that need protection simply need to add:
>> before_filter :authenticate
You can also define which methods within the controller you want to exclude protection by adding this parameter to before_filter:
>> before_filter: authenticate, :except => [ :method1, :method2]
The code for the authentication is:
def authenticate
unless @session[:user]
@session[:return_to] = @request.request_uri
@session[:intended_action] = action_name
@session[:intended_controller ] = controller_name
flash[:notice] = 'Login required.';
redirect_to :action => "login",
:controller => "user_admin"
return false
I have a controller called user_admin which handles all the user administrations (login, logout, sign up, etc.). The actual authentication logic is inside the User model. I also did a bit of research and found out that SHA-0 and SHA-1 can be broken through collision attack. Therefore, I decided to use SHA-512 (512 bit output) to hash the password and salted with a randomly generated 32-bit salt.
The actual password and salt creation:
def password=(pass)
salt = [{rand(256).chr}.join].pack("m").chomp
self.password_salt, self.password_hash = salt, Digest::SHA512.hexdigest(pass + salt)
So when you create a new user, to store the password_hash and password_salt, simply do:
>> @user.password = password
where password is the user's plaintext password.
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